Friday, October 3, 2008

Pony Club and Hairy Beasts opening tonight!

hey. OPening tonight in PDX is 'Colors'(not sure of thats the title) at POny Club. Great concept, only 1 color, and black/white are allowed. Fun challenge for sure. You can see my pieces for that on flickr......

and also opening here in Denver is the 'Hairy Beast show' curated by Jamos, who is himself quite the hairy beast. I was lucky enough to sneak a piece in there, which is this dude here-

Come out if youre in the area, and take a gander. Next weekend is the opening of Suite 100's 'Mecha Organica' in Seattle which should be pretty epical. 2 pieces there, and a collab with Phonetic Control- tittays. After that, a couple big shows to end the year, and some craziness for next year tba. Hollers,

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